
  • Progress Report: Linux 6.14 As March draws to a close and Linux 6.14 nears release, now is a good time to provide you all with our first major progress update since taking the lead on the project. Going forward, we hope to keep these updates in sync with upstream kernel releases. We feel that this is a natural cadence given the focus on upstreaming, with enough time between posts for noteworthy downstream changes to accumulate. ...
  • Passing the torch on Asahi Linux With a heavy heart, we announce the resignation of Asahi Linux founder Hector Martin (marcan). His statement is on his blog. Asahi Linux brings Linux to Apple Silicon, supporting audio, webcams, graphics acceleration, and more. As the remaining developers, we are taking this as an opportunity to build sustainable project governance. No matter how talented an individual, a large project cannot rest on a single person’s shoulders. So instead of one replacement… we have seven: ...
  • Beyond Gaming: X11 bridging in muvm Hi everyone! We’ve just shipped a really cool update to our x86/x86-64 emulation stack on Asahi Linux, and I wanted to share what we’ve been working on. As of today, non-game apps are now usable! Cisco Packet Tracer running on Fedora Asahi Remix Native graphics in VMs As you might remember from our previous blog post, Asahi Linux runs all x86/x86-64 apps in a microVM driven by muvm. How can we manage to run games in a real VM with near-native performance, without hardware GPU passthrough? ...
  • AAA gaming on Asahi Linux Gaming on Linux on M1 is here! We’re thrilled to release our Asahi game playing toolkit, which integrates our Vulkan 1.3 drivers with x86 emulation and Windows compatibility. Plus a bonus: conformant OpenCL 3.0. Asahi Linux now ships the only conformant OpenGL®, OpenCL™, and Vulkan® drivers for this hardware. As for gaming… while today’s release is an alpha, Control runs well! Installation First, install Fedora Asahi Remix. Once installed, get the latest drivers with dnf upgrade --refresh && reboot. ...
  • Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month Finally, conformant Vulkan for the M1! The new “Honeykrisp” driver is the first conformant Vulkan® for Apple hardware on any operating system, implementing the full 1.3 spec without “portability” waivers. Honeykrisp is not yet released for end users. We’re continuing to add features, improve performance, and port to more hardware. Source code is available for developers. HoloCure running on Honeykrisp ft. DXVK, FEX, and Proton. Honeykrisp is not based on prior M1 Vulkan efforts, but rather Faith Ekstrand’s open source NVK driver for NVIDIA GPUs. ...
  • Conformant OpenGL 4.6 on the M1 For years, the M1 has only supported OpenGL 4.1. That changes today – with our release of full OpenGL® 4.6 and OpenGL® ES 3.2! Install Fedora for the latest M1/M2-series drivers. Already installed? Just dnf upgrade --refresh. Unlike the vendor’s non-conformant 4.1 drivers, our open source Linux drivers are conformant to the latest OpenGL versions, finally promising broad compatibility with modern OpenGL workloads, like Blender. Conformant 4.6/3.2 drivers must pass over 100,000 tests to ensure correctness. ...
  • New in Fedora Asahi Remix We’re very proud to have released the first stable release of Fedora Asahi Remix not too long ago, and now it’s time to go over everything we’ve been up to. You may have wondered what’s up with the radio silence for the past few months. The answer is that we’ve been busy cramming in as many features as we could into this release. We went quite a bit over our original time estimate (as they say, the last 20% of the work takes 80% of the time), but I don’t see anyone complaining about new features. ...
  • The first conformant M1 GPU driver Conformant OpenGL® ES 3.1 drivers are now available for M1- and M2-family GPUs. That means the drivers are compatible with any OpenGL ES 3.1 application. Interested? Just install Linux! For existing Asahi Linux users, upgrade your system with dnf upgrade (Fedora) or pacman -Syu (Arch) for the latest drivers. Our reverse-engineered, free and open source graphics drivers are the world’s only conformant OpenGL ES 3.1 implementation for M1- and M2-family graphics hardware. ...
  • Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix You’ve all been waiting for it, many of you have guessed, and now, as announced at Flock To Fedora, it’s time to make it official: The new Asahi Linux flagship distribution will be Fedora Asahi Remix! We’re confident that this new flagship will get us much closer to our goal of a polished Linux experience on Apple Silicon, and we hope you will enjoy using it as much as we’re enjoying working on it. ...
  • OpenGL 3.1 on Asahi Linux Upgrade your Asahi Linux systems, because your graphics drivers are getting a big boost: leapfrogging from OpenGL 2.1 over OpenGL 3.0 up to OpenGL 3.1! Similarly, the OpenGL ES 2.0 support is bumping up to OpenGL ES 3.0. That means more playable games and more functioning applications. Back in December, I teased an early screenshot of SuperTuxKart’s deferred renderer working on Asahi, using OpenGL ES 3.0 features like multiple render targets and instancing. ...
  • Paving the Road to Vulkan on Asahi Linux Hello everyone, Asahi Lina here!✨ As you probably know, I’ve been working together with the rest of the Asahi Linux team on open source GPU drivers for Apple Silicon platforms. It’s been a wild ride! Just at the end of last year we released the first version of our drivers, after many months of reverse engineering and development. But that was only the beginning… Today we’re releasing a big update to our GPU drivers for Asahi Linux, so I wanted to talk to you about what we’ve been working on since then, and what’s next! ...
  • Apple GPU drivers now in Asahi Linux Hello everyone! We’re excited to announce our first public Apple Silicon GPU driver release! We’ve been working hard over the past two years to bring this new driver to everyone, and we’re really proud to finally be here. This is still an alpha driver, but it’s already good enough to run a smooth desktop experience and some games. Read on to find out more about the state of things today, how to install it (it’s an opt-in package), and how to report bugs! ...
  • Tales of the M1 GPU Hello everyone, Asahi Lina here!✨ marcan asked me to write an article about the M1 GPU, so here we are~! It’s been a long road over the past few months and there’s a lot to cover, so I hope you enjoy it! What’s a GPU? You probably know what a GPU is, but do you know how they work under the hood? Let’s take a look! Almost all modern GPUs have the same main components: ...
  • Updates galore! November 2022 Progress Report Time for another overdue progress report! This month’s update is packed with new hardware support, new features, and fixes for longstanding pain points, as well as a new bleeding-edge kernel branch with long-awaited support for suspend and the display controller! If you’re new to Asahi Linux, check out our previous release announcement for installation instructions and general information. USB3, Chapter 1 Until now, Asahi Linux has only supported USB2 on the Thunderbolt ports. ...
  • M2 is here! July 2022 Release & Progress Report UPDATE / NOTE: M2 machines have been fully supported and stable for a long time now. If you are reading this article today, this in no way represents the current state of support for M2 machines. Just install normally. Welcome to another long overdue progress report! As usual, things have been busier than expected… and we have some big news! We’ve just released a new Asahi Linux update with Mac Studio, Bluetooth, and M2 support! ...
  • The first Asahi Linux Alpha Release is here! It’s been a long while since we updated the blog! Truth be told, we wanted to write a couple more progress reports, but there was always “one more thing”… So, instead, we decided to take the plunge and publish the first public alpha release of the Asahi Linux reference distribution! We’re really excited to finally take this step and start bringing Linux on Apple Silicon to everyone. This is only the beginning, and things will move even more quickly going forward! ...
  • Progress Report: October-November 2021 Whoops, things got so busy we ended up skipping a month! A lot has been going on in kernel land over the past couple of months, so we hope you enjoy this combined October-November progress report! M1 Pro/Max joins the family At the end of October, Apple launched the next generation of Apple Silicon: M1 Pro and M1 Max. We got right to work on supporting these new machines, and after just a few days of work we were able to bring up Asahi Linux on them up to feature parity with the M1 machines! ...
  • Progress Report: September 2021 It’s been a busy month! We’ve had a lot of movement in kernel land, as well as some tooling improvements and reverse engineering sessions. At this point, Asahi Linux is usable as a basic Linux desktop (without GPU acceleration)! The ground had been shifting until now, but we’re seeing drivers settle down. Let’s take a look at what’s been going on. Linux drivers galore Earlier this year we saw the absolute lowest level drivers being merged into the kernel. ...
  • Progress Report: August 2021 It’s been a long time since the last update! In all honesty, the first Progress Report set the bar a little bit too high, and I found it difficult to sit down and put together monthly reports that would do it justice. So, going forward, we’re going to be providing shorter-form updates while striving to keep a monthly schedule. That said, a lot has happened in the past few months, so strap in for a bigger update this time! ...
  • Progress Report: January / February 2021 Welcome to the first Asahi Linux Progress Report! In this series we’ll be taking a page from the Dolphin playbook and giving you monthly updates on the progress of the project. Bringing up support for a new system-on-chip on Linux is no small task! I hope this series will be educational to everyone and give you a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes work that goes into making Linux work on a brand new device. ...

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